In perhaps one of the best presentations I’ve ever seen, EONutrition makes a strong case that many digestive issues such as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may be caused by a deficiency of Vitamin B1.
A few brief notes I jotted down:
- 80% of cases of IBS are SIBO
- SIBO is slowed motility which allows food to be fermented in small intestines
- Vitamin B1 -> Healthy Vagus Nerve -> Healthy Motility
“In the presentation, I explain why vitamin B1 (thiamine) is absolutely essential for a healthy gut. This deficiency often gets overlooked, and it is likely a LOT more common than many believe.
Thiamine is necessary for the health of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for:
1. Gut motility
2. Stomach acid, bile, and digestive enzyme secretion
3. Preventing/modulating gut permeability A deficiency in this key nutrient can lead to all of the symptoms associated with individual gut-related disorder including IBS and SIBO.”
Other search terms: Vagus Nerve, Vagal Tone, Thiamine